The attitude of managers to female employees who recently came out of maternity leave is different: some are afraid that the new mother will not be an effective employee.
“In any case, the manager, after his employee went to work immediately after giving birth, should sit down at the negotiating table and establish new arrangements. For example, reduce the number of requirements for the woman, allow her to work with a free schedule, help her prioritize her work, and maybe even redistribute functionality (leave the employee the functions she does best with),” the expert comments.
“We use virtual office for interaction of remote employees and corporate portal for control and accounting of tasks performed. Our staff turnover is very low – no more than 5% per year. Several mothers have given birth to children and continue to work, performing the bulk of their duties remotely. I think the future is in this kind of maternity leave, when the mother is not physically away from home, and not wasting time on the road, has time to work, which allows not to lose qualifications, to continue to move up the career ladder and build professionalism.
Our expert advises women who want to combine motherhood and work to offer the boss to transfer them to a “remote location. Yes, at first there may be a slight decrease in wages, but it is compensated by the free schedule and the opportunity to devote more time to the baby.
“Remotely can continue to work PR, accountants, appraisers, marketers, brokers, consultants, realtors, programmers, designers – in general, almost all office workers. Virtual offices, CRM systems, data security solutions can all help you”.
Problems of working moms and ways to solve them.
It’s happening! Mom went to work. Now you can enjoy interaction with your colleagues, take part in the corporate life, improve your professional skills and not feel isolated from the civilized world. However, many working moms continue to be depressed. Let’s look into the reasons.
“As for the difficulties and some myths about women after maternity – there are a lot of them, and some of them, of course, have ground. Some find it hard to focus on work because they only think about the baby and feel guilty. Other ladies after a maternity leave, especially a long one, change their speech quite seriously, as all the time in maternity was occupied only with baby issues and the level of communication decreased significantly. Many really launch the appearance, as they stop thinking about themselves.
At the same time, the expert focuses on the other side of slow: “I am convinced that the birth of a child – a huge motivator for women. She can set the right priorities, build her schedule, get more efficiency. Time spent in maternity is the perfect training for her.”
To keep up her skills while on maternity leave, the mom recommends reading more, adding to her vocabulary, which quickly dries up. You should also try to maintain an active social life, communicate with colleagues and friends, not to shut yourself away. It is not superfluous to keep track of changes in your professional sphere.
“Does maternity leave affect career growth? Everything is very individual. There are ladies who immediately after maternity and thanks to it quickly enough reached professional heights due to their self-esteem, goals and desire. And there are opposite cases, when after the maternity leave, the employees stayed in the same positions for another 10 years.
So if you don’t want to drag out your maternity leave and lose your professional acumen, work at your own pleasure! The main thing is to have the support of your relatives, set your priorities correctly and agree the schedule with your superiors.