Over time, psychological and physiological problems will subside, you will become accustomed to your new routine, and you will learn to quickly cope with the challenges that come your way. It’s at this point, when your health is strong, that you can think about moving on and starting to rebuild other areas of your life as well.

Taking care of things together.

To save time on cleaning or other household chores, don’t wait until your child is asleep, do the work in front of them. It’s great for young children to watch everything going on around them – they also find it interesting, and it’s an opportunity for you to do something small but important around the house.


If you want to learn how to balance baby and order in your home, you’re going to have to lower the bar a bit on how things should look. To relieve yourself of unnecessary stress, you have to get used to the fact that you are now a mother, which means you don’t have to be afraid to be imperfect. Sometimes you won’t have time to cook a fancy dinner or make your living room crystal clear. None of that should matter.

Don’t forget to thank yourself for what you’ve managed to do during the day and rejoice in even the small victories. Also, don’t forget to ask for support. Maybe your husband can cook a meal when you’re busy with someone else. Don’t neglect the help you can get from your loved ones, because you can learn something new from them or just use the free time to do something nice for yourself.


Perhaps the hardest item to deal with is work and getting back to work comfortably. If you plan to return to work as early as possible, you need to think about how being away from home for any length of time will affect your new routine. If there is no possibility of hiring a nanny, you will have to plan for a family member to replace you.

At first, it’s best to consider working remotely. Of course, even such a job is still a job, and you are unlikely to be productive if you are constantly distracted, but it will nonetheless free you from the stress and unnecessary worry about what is going on at home while you are away. In any case, whatever place your career has in your life, you need to be able to prioritize.