Due to hormonal restructuring, the ligaments change their elasticity after childbirth, so the bones and joints become less mobile.
The first six weeks after delivery
During this period, your organs return to their normal position. The body will need many more months to dissipate the fatigue from the efforts expended during pregnancy and childbirth.
Recovery after childbirth
After childbirth, a woman’s body undergoes a major restructuring. After the placenta comes out, the nervous, cardiovascular and other body systems begin to change.
Peculiarities of the psycho-emotional state of a woman after childbirth
Childbirth is a very powerful physiological process. Naturally, it affects both the physical and psychological state of a woman.
How to build your own business right after giving birth
Michelle Kennedy prepared herself well for motherhood. “It sounds crazy, but I had a spreadsheet,” she says. – I made all the preparations.”
How to beat postpartum depression
Immediately after the birth of a child, a woman feels a huge emotional lift. The pain and suffering of childbirth remain far behind.